Providence Academy Senior Thesis Class of 2011

Providence Academy Senior Thesis Class of 2010-2011
[papers] [essays] [thoughts]

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Final Deliberative Due Tomorrow

Please check the following:
-Your paper is written according to APA standards
-You have a title page and reference page
-You have cited properly in your paper
-You have proofread your paper several times!
-You have underlined the 2 figures of speech (Pg. 227 in textbook)
-You hand in your notes, outline, rough draft, and final paper together
-Your paper should be at least 5 pages (approximately)
-Make sure your conclusion wraps up your entire paper, as well as relate back to your introduction
-Make sure your introduction is engaging

*Late papers will be marked down 5 points/day

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Upcoming Fun!

Due Next Wednesday (the 16th):

-Deliberative Essay Rough Draft (Printed!!)
  -With complete Reference page
  -in APA format
  -Also, please print your outlines (for the essay AND the refutation) to hand in with your rough draft

*Late assignments will be marked down!

Wednesday, February 16th- In-class Edit

Wednesday, February 23rd- Final Deliberative Essay Due at the beginning of class- Printed!

 February 25th-End of the 2nd Trimester (All missing/late assignments must be turned in before this date)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reminder for Class Tomorrow:

-3 Research sheets filled out entirely (including source information)
-Research materials
-Abstract for Cause/Effect Essay (typed and printed)

**Outlines/Thesis statements will be due at the end of class tomorrow**
   (So you should have brainstormed ideas of where you want to go with this paper)